★ Oxalgin Dp tablet ★

It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkiller which is used to treat pain related to migraine, Rheumatoid arthritis, gout, sprain of muscles, joint pains and also used to relief from fever.

★ Composition of Oxalgin Dp tablet ★

★ Diclofenac
★ Paracetamol

★ Variants of this medication ★

This medication is available in both form :--
★ Tablet
★ Syrup

★ When do the doctors prescribe us for this medication? ★

Generally, this medication is prescribed by doctors for :--
--------Moderate pain
--------Rheumatoid Arthritis

★ When should we not take this medication? ★

We should not use this medication when we are suffering from the following conditions:-----
1.) Allergic reactions
2.) Peptic ulcer
3.) Corronay artery bypass surgery/grafting (CABG)

★ Precaution ★

1.) Keep away from the contact of your eyes.
2.) If you have allergic reaction then, don't use this medication.
3.) Your dosages for this medication should be according to your doctor/pharmacists.
4.) If you are experiencing ulcers, weakness, chest pain then, report immediately to your doctors/pharmacists.

★ Interaction with other products and drugs ★

If you are using other products and drugs at the same time, then be sure about their interaction with this medication to avoid side effects. There are some products and drugs to which oxalgin Dp tablet interaction much more :----
★ Alcoholic beverages
★ Aspirin
★ Warfarin
★ Thiazides
★ Cyclosporine
★ Lithium
★ Teriflunomide
★ Ketoconazole

★ Side effects of Oxalgin Dp tablet ★

Before taking this medication, consult with your doctors/pharmacists about your medical history and allergic reactions.
Some side effects are given below :---
1) Abdominal pains
2.) Liver damage may be occurr
3.) Constipation
4.) Skin rashes
5.) Diarrhoea
6.) Tinnitus
7.) Gastrointestinal bleeding
8.) Nausea
9.) Vomiting
10.) Skin problems

★ Mode of action of Oxalgin Dp tablet ★

An enzyme named Cyclooxygenase, it is responsible for the production of Prostaglandins. Prostaglandins is the major factor which is responsible for the inflammation process and pain sensation in our body.
If we take this medication (Oxalgin Dp tablet), it will inhibit the secretion of this enzyme named Cyclooxygenase and in this condition Prostaglandins will not be able to be produced and will not cause inflammation and pain and we will feel relief from pains.

★ Overdose of this medication ★

If you have taken this medication in higher dose than the recommended, it is known as overdose. In this condition, your body is not able to metabolize this overdose of medication and may cause serious problem/side effects too.
So, if you have taken overdose of this medication and experiencing side-effects then, go to the Accident and emergency department as soon as possible.
Symptoms of overdose :---
★ vomiting
★ dizziness
★ gastrointestinal bleeding
★ diarrhoea and
★ liver damage may be occurr too.