Who is the father of western medicine?

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates is often referred to as the "father of Western medicine". He lived from approximately 460 BCE to 370 BCE, and he is remembered for his contributions to the field of medicine and his famous oath, the Hippocratic Oath, which is still used today by doctors around the world.

Who is the father of western medicine?

Hippocrates is considered the founder of modern medicine because he rejected the traditional approach of attributing illness to supernatural causes and instead emphasized observation and the scientific method. He believed that disease was a natural phenomenon that could be studied and understood through observation and reasoning, and that the physician's role was to help the body heal itself through natural means. His teachings and approach to medicine were highly influential in ancient Greece and continue to shape modern medical practice today.

Father of modern medicine in india:

The father of modern medicine in India is often attributed to Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, who was a renowned physician, freedom fighter, and the second Chief Minister of West Bengal.

father of modern medicine in india

Dr. Roy was instrumental in the development of modern medical education and healthcare in India. He played a key role in the establishment of the Indian Medical Association and the Medical Council of India, and was a driving force behind the creation of several important medical institutions, including the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi.

Dr. Roy was also a strong advocate for public health and healthcare access, and worked to bring medical care to rural and underserved areas of India. He was a recipient of several awards and honors, including the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award, and his contributions to modern medicine in India continue to be recognized and celebrated today.