Calcium tablet
This medication is used to fulfill the calcium deficiency in one's body who is experiencing the deficiencies of calcium in blood.
When do the doctors prescribe us for this medication?
Doctors prescribe us for this medication in the following health conditions :---- ------Indigestion ------Hyperkalemia ------Hypocalcemia ------Kidney failure ------Osteoporosis ------Hyperparathyroidism ------High cholesterol ------High blood pressure ------RicketsSome major diseases caused by the deficiency of calcium
1.) Osteoporosis 2.) Osteomalacia 3.) Muscle spasms 4.) Leg cramps 5.) Tooth decay 6.) Growth and development delay in children 7.) High blood pressure 8.) Bone fractures 9.) Insufficient Blood clotting 10.) Mental confusion 11.) Heart problems 12.) Heart rhythmsWay to take this medicationTake this medication with meals, rather than alone. The calcium needs the acid from stomach juices to break it down.Right doses for this medication
Daily doses are given below according to ages of person 0-6 months baby ===> 1000 mg 6-12 months baby ===> 1500 mg 1-8 years old children ===> 2500 mg 9-18 years old children ====> 3000 mg 19 - 50 years old adults ====> 2500 mg 51+ years old ====> 2000 mgPrecautions
1.) Don't take if you have high calcium level (hypercalcaemia). 2.) Take this medication only after consulting with your doctors/pharmacists if you have following health conditions :- Kidney diseases, kidney stones, heart disease etc. 3.) If you are pregnant then tell your doctors/pharmacists before taking this medication. 4.) This medication passes into breast milk, so please consult your doctor before breast feeding. Interaction of this medication with other drugs and products This medication interaction with some drugs and products such as :---- -----Ciprofloxacin -----Levofloxacin -----Ofloxacin -----Moxiflocacin -----Gatifloxacin -----GemifloxacinMechanisms of action of this medication
The major mechanism whereby calcium effects bone is probably through inhibition of PTH secretion. Calcium could alter the physical-chemical properties of the mineral. With inadequate calcium, the bone is not optically mineralised. Side effects of calcium tablets There are some side effects of this medication:---- ★ Constipation ★ Upset stomach ★ Nausea ★ Vomiting ★ Lose of appetite ★ Weight loss ★ Muscle pain ★ Headache ★ Weakness ★ Allergic reactions ★ Rashes, itching and swelling ★ Dizziness ★ Trouble breathingOverdose of the Tablet
If someone has taken overdose of this medication and experiencing the side effects of this medication then go to the Accident and emergency department as soon as possible. Symptoms of overdose :--- =====> Abdominal pain =====> Bone pain =====> Coma =====> Confusion =====> Constipation =====> Depression =====> Diarrhea =====> Headache =====> Muscle twitching =====> Nausea =====> Vomiting =====> Thirst
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