
It is the group of drugs which is used to relief from pain. It acts in various ways on the peripheral and  central nervous system. 

Types of painkillers

  1. Opioids analgesics (painkiller)
  2. Non opioids analgesics (painkiller)
  3. Compound analgesics ( painkiller)
  4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (painkiller)
Opioids analgesics

These are strong analgesics used to relief of pain of both acute and chronic, cancer and non-cancer related also. If used for long period of time, these can be addictive. 
Ex. of Strong opioids :- Morphine, Oxycodone
                 Weak opioids :- codeine, tramadol

Non-opioids analgesics
These are a diverse group of drugs which include anti-inflammatory painkillers. These have ability to relief fever and anti-platelets. 
Ex. Paracetamol

Compound analgesics

These are active ingredients and stronger analgesics. These are made form a combination of two different drugs. For e.g :- Standard painkiller like paracetamol, aspirin plus a low dose of an opioids analgesics such as codeine. 
Ex. Co-codamon (combination of  paracetamol with codeine)

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
These are most common pain relief medicines in the world. An estimate says that, everyday more than 30 millions Americans use them to get ride of their headaches, strains, arthritis symptoms etc. Ex. Aspirin, Ibuprofen.

How does painkiller work?

When a part of our body is injured, special nerves send pain massage back to our brain. Painkillers interfere with these massage, either at the site of injury, in the spinal code or in the brain itself.

Important key points 

Doctors or pharmacists suggest us to take non-opioids analgesics or NSAIDs first. If these do not provide relief then we need stronger painkillers, then compound analgesics followed by opioids analgesics for severe pains. 
This is because, the stronger medication tend to have more side effects and can sometime cause addictive.

Example of approved and brand name

Approved name                                                      Brand name
  1. Paracetamol                   =========              Panadol
  2. Ibuprofen                       =========              Nurofen

Painkillers contain inactive ingredients which can cause allergic reaction and many others problems so, it would be very safe to tell about your medical history or allergic reactions to your doctors/Pharmacists before taking it medication. 

Side effects of painkillers
  1. Nausea
  2. Drowsiness
  3. Dizziness
  4. Itching
  5. Sweating
  6. Depression
  7. Weakened immune-system
  8. Decrease the tolerance ability even common types of pain.
  9. Addiction :- You want to keep taking these medication when your body does not need this medication.

Overdose of painkiller

Their overdose are very harmful to our body. If some one have taken overdose, the drug overwhelms the part of his brain that control the respiratory and circulatory function. His neurological signals are suppressed. leading to slowed breathing and heart rate. Sometimes he may experience abnormal heart rhythms, enter full cardiac arrest also.

Symptoms of overdose

  1. Cold and clammy skin
  2. Slow and absent breathing
  3. Vomiting
  4. Tiny pupils
  5. Unresponsiveness
  6. Blue or gray lips and nails
  7. Snoring 
  8. Shaking
  9. Slow Thinking