AspirinIt is used to reduce fever and to relieve of moderate pain like muscle aches, toothaches, headaches, common cold etc.It is a NSAID (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). It is also called acetylsalicylic acid.
Chemical formula ===> C9H8O4
Chemical name ===> 2-Acetoxybenzoic acid
How to use Aspirin Tablet?
Take this medication only after consulting with your doctors/pharmacist.
If you are taking this medication for self-treatment, the please check the brand and date of packaging of Aspirin.
Take Aspirin Tablet by mouth with a glass of wate. Don't crust or chew enteric-coated tablets because this act will increase stomach upsets due to release all the drug at once and increase the risk of side effects.
Best dose of Aspirin to take
According to doctors/pharmacist a best dose of Aspirin is from low-dose Aspirin (75 mg) to a high-dose Aspirin Tablet (325 mg) for an adult.
----------- Don't lie down for at least 10 minutes after taking this medication.
----------- Don't crush tablet with taking in mouth at it can increase stomach upset and increase side effects.
----------- Don't take this medication 2 hours before or 1 hour after drinking alcoholic beverages.
How does Aspirin work in our body?
It works by blocking a certain natural substance in our body to reduce our pain and swelling.
Usually, doctors/pharmacists recommend low dose of Aspirin to prevent blood clots which reduce the risk of heat attacks.
Side effects of Aspirin
---------- Rashes
---------- Gastrointestinal ulceration
---------- Abdominal pains
---------- Upset of stomach
---------- Heartburn
---------- Headache
---------- Nausea
---------- Drowsiness
If someone have taken side effects of Aspirin then go to our Bayes Aspirin Side effects Drug Center as soon as possible.
Overdose of Aspirin/Aspirin poisoning
If a person take much more dose than his body can clear then, he will experience Aspirin poisoning.
According to Doctors--------Aspirin dose is divided into three main categories =====>1.) Mild dose ====> Less than 300 mg/kg 2.) Moderate dose ====> About 300 to 500 mg/kg 3.) Deadly dose ====> Greater than 500 mg/kg For example :- We can calculate someone's weight in kg, divide his weight in pounds by 2.2 e.g 150 pounds person weight about 68 kg. If they took 34,000 mg of Aspirin, it would be harmful to their life.
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