
Multivitamins are a combination of many different vitamins that are normally found in our daily diet and some of them are stored in our body too. 

  • Why should we take multivitamins tablet ?
      As we know there are so many vitamins which are really very important for our proper growth and developments. Multivitamins helps in full-fill the several vitamin requirements.

  • How should take multivitamins ?
      we should take multivitamins only after consulting with our doctors and pharmacists, until it will be harm for us.

  • Benefits of Multivitamins
  1.  It helps to improve energy.
  2.  It helps to increase performance.
  3.  It requires in body building like sports man.
  4.  It helps to treat many vitamins deficiency diseases. 

  • Side effects of Multivitamins
  1. Allergic  reactions.
  2. Rashes on skin, itching, swelling.
  3. Coughing, sneezing, vomiting.
  4. Dizziness, trouble breathing.

  • Overdose of Multivitamins
      If  someone has overdose and has serious symptoms such as passing out or trouble breathing, call 911. Otherwise, call a poison control centre right away near your resistance.

  • Symptoms of overdose
  1.  Stomach pain 
  2.  Nausea
  3.  Vomiting
  4.  Diarrhoea